Trip to the UK

We just got back from England, and we had a great time!!!
Hana on plane

Last time we went Hana screamed all the way, and so we had very hard journey there and back. However, this time we bought a portable DVD player and she sat there quietly watching it with her headphones on, and it helped her relax and then she slept most of the way there and back.

We thought getting her a portable DVD player was a bit expensive, but anything that can make a journey like this any easier has to be worth it…………….

At Heathrow


Then, when we got to London Heathrow my brother was there to pick us up and drive us up to Cheshire. He had rented a very fancy Range Rover for the journey, so we felt very important leaving the airport like film stars!!!

Auntie Hannah, William and Hana

Of course the first priority was meeting the newest arrival to the family, little baby William. Hana was very interested in seeing someone smaller than her, and I think it made her feel very important to take the role of a kind of big sister.

Hana and WilliamShe was very interested in what little William was doing……………………

Hana and Grandma

And Hana remembered her Granny Wendy after all her trips out to Japan. She also remembered that Granny Wendy has chocolate buttons stashed everywhere, and all she has to do is smile and she will be given a handful of them!!!!


Delamere Forest Walk

One day we decided to go for a walk in Delamere Forest. We had a pub lunch first then went for a bit of a wonder. I presumed everyone else would know the way as they seem to go there regularly, but somehow we ended up getting a bit lost and walking for miles!! Anyway, we made it back in the end……………

Hana in forest

Hana swinging

Hana on a walk


We had a BBQ in the garden one day, and it was great to catch up with a few old mates and have a few beers.

A few people said they might come out to Japan sometime, so it would be cool to see them here. It’s such a long trip for kids though. We are thinking about going to Hawaii next year, maybe we could meet there instead??

Feeding the chickens

At the beach

Beeston Castle

My brother has got a pretty decent camera, and was following Hana around snapping away.I think this picture is brilliant.

Hana by the back door

Ed, Mami and Hana

Hana and Mami

The family!!! We seem to be constantly growing!!

Family photo

Hana sleeping

Hana on tractor

WilliamLook at little William in his shirt and trousers!!! Very smart!!!!

Ed and William
Anyway, now we are back in Japan and have to get back to work. We really enjoyed being in England, but after having two weeks off we want to get back to work and get back into our normal routine.

I would like to say thank you to my family in England for having us, and thanks to my Mum for all the apple crumble, it was lovely!!!

All the best,
