The Baby Boom

The baby boom has started!!!

Baby Boom!!That’s right, in the space of a few weeks Hana has got two new cousins!!

Mami and Airi
Airi Ueno arrived first on June 24th weighing in at just over 7 pounds. She is such a beautiful little thing………….

Hana spent most of the time in the hospital running around like a lunatic with her older cousin Haruna.
William one day old
Then Hana’s first British cousin arrived!! William Edward Shaw arrived on July 13th, weighing in at 8 pounds. I haven’t seen him in person yet, but he looks as handsome as his Uncle Edward in this picture!!

Hana and Amber
A few weeks ago we met up with some friends who are in a similar situation to Mami and I. Sean is from Canada and his wife Yuri is Japanese, so their daughter Amber is similar to Hana in that she is growing up in a billingual household.

Hana on the slide
They had a great time playing in the sand pit, and bombing down the slide. After that we all went for a curry, and they were jumping up and down laughing at the chef and his funny hat!!!

Hana smiling
Mami took this picture a few days ago. I have heard a few people say that when Hana smiles, her eyes disappear. It’s so true!! He whole face crinkles up!!!!

Anyway, that’s all for now,

all the best,
