Welcome to the new homepage!!

Hi there everyone!! Welcome to our new homepage!! It is almost finished, just need to get the photo gallery finished and the mobile site up and running. A designer called Deanna Wooten, who is a Canadian woman living in Tokyo did the homepage for us and we think she did a great job. The idea is that we can now share more of what we are doing with friends and family, as we are not keen on the whole Facebook phenomenon. Anyway, here are some new photos…………
Hana in her red dres
Hana is getting bigger all the time!! She loves this dress her Auntie Emily sent her for her birthday, she thinks she is Mickey Mouse when she wears it!!

She can now speak both English and Japanese quite well, and understands the difference between them. She will speak in English to me, but then when we get to the park she switches to Japanese to play with her friends. However, she does still mix them up a bit when there is a word she only knows in English. I have found her saying English words with a Japanese accent when she is trying to speak Japanese and doesn’t know a particular word!!

Hana the princess!!
Hana’s Auntie Hannah in England sent her a kids dress up box for her birthday, and Hana loves walking around with her plastic crown on saying “I’m a princess!”.

Fukushima radius
A lot of people have been emailing us about the nuclear situation in Japan. It has been very worrying!! There seem to have been a lot of cover ups and the truth is starting to come out. It turns out that when the government were telling people not to worry some of the reactors were in meltdown!! However, we live quite a long way from Fukushima and have been very careful about what we eat and drink.
Geiger Counter

We decided that as Mami is pregnant we should get our own Geiger counter so we can be sure that where we live is safe.

Geiger counter in the house
Inside the house the levels are very low, and nothing to worry about.
Geiger Counter in the garden
However, when you get outside the numbers go up a bit. This number is still quite low though. There has been a lot of debate about what the limits should be. The level of 0.5 microsievert per hour would translate into an annual exposure of 5 millisieverts, which was the evacuation threshold for Chernobyl. However, the Japanese government has raised the evacuation threshold to 20 millisieverts, which has a lot of people worried.
This number below was a bit higher than we had hoped for, as it is getting a bit closer to the 0.5 microsievert per hour evacuation threshold level that was used in Chernobyl.  However, we are not outside so much, so the actual level we are living with is much lower. More like 0.1 microsievert per hour. We have also tested our food and water and its very confusing as that uses another unit of measurement, however, it looks like there is nothing to worry about.
Geiger counter outside
It has been a scary time for us all, but we are hoping things are going to set sorted out and everyone in Japan will be able to move on with their lives.
Meisei Kindergarten
On another note, we have taken over a company in Tokyo this year. We supply teachers to teach at kindergartens, so we are enjoying the challenge of that. Here is a link to the homepage for that business (it is all in Japanese though)
Hana and Dad having a cup of tea
Anyway, I am going to keep this page updated much more often from now on, as it is much easier to do it than with the old homepage.
Please feel free to leave some comments in English or Japanese!! Thanks for stopping by!!


In Vietnam

Long time no blog!!!
Sorry I haven’t updated this page for so long. We have been very busy….

Vietnam Map

After the earthquake, which was a real shaker even in Chiba, we were advised to leave Japan for a bit to see how the nuclear situation panned out. We ended up flying the Saigon (HCMC) in Vietnam. At first we couldn’t believe the number of scooters on the road, and the hap hazard way of life there. But as the days went by, we really started to like Vietnam. Hopefully, we will go back again someday for a holiday. Crossing the street in Saigon is a real problem. You have to weave in and out of all the scooters, and with a pregnant wife and small child in tow it can be a real mission!!

Scooters in Saigon
We stayed in a really nice and friendly hotel. We were in downtown Saigon, so it was a bit noisy at night time. But apart from that, it was fine.

View from hotel

This is the view from the hotel window.

We decided to head to a water park to take Hana’s mind of what was happening in Japan. She had a great time, and was inundated with Vietnamese people coming up to her and saying how pretty she is!!

Hana and Daddy in the pool

Swapping hats

She thought it was very funny when Daddy put on her hat!!!!

Pretending to read

Here she is pretending she can read………….

When we left Japan, we left in a hurry and had to pack things we thought were essential as if the nuclear situation got really bad we might not be able to go home.

Hanas yellow bag

Hana packed this little yellow bag with her “extra special” toys inside, and carried it around with her all the time.

Then, when we heard things were getting better in Japan we decided to come home. As soon as we arrived home Hana conked out on the sofa!!!
Conked out on the sofa

Anyway, I will try and keep this page updated more regularly from now on!!!

All the best,


Strawberry picking

Strawberry fields forever!!

Strawberry season!!

The strawberry season is here again, and as we won’t be getting much time off for a while we decided to head over to a strawberry farm in Sodegaura for some “as much as you can eat” strawberry picking!!

Organic strawberries

The strawberries are all grown organically so we didn’t need to worry about washing them or anything. There were sections of the greenhouse with bees buzzing around, but they didn’t come over to where we were. Because they grow on these stands, they were just the right height for Hana to reach!!

At the strawberry farm

We decided we would all try and eat 100 each, but I don’t think any of us managed it!! I think I got closest though, I had about 75!!! But that’s only because Hana was saying “Eat some more Daddy!!”.
At the strawberry farm
Hana was pretty good at finding the best strawberries as she is small enough to walk under the stands that the strawberries grow on. So she could scoot from row to row looking for the best ones!!

At the park

I really think winter is the best season in Japan……………..blue skies most of the time and no mosquitoes!! So, we headed to the park withour bellies full of strawberries to play on the playground………………

Anyway, I hope 2011 has been a great year for you all so far!!

All the best,


The year of the rabbit

Happy New Year everybody!!!!

We have entered the year of the rabbit here in Japan, and lots of people are feeling pretty good about putting an end to 2010, and welcoming in a new and better year. Just the name “The Year of the Rabbit” has a nice ring to it doesn’t it?

As for new years resolutions, same as always….. will get round to them when I get time!!

We went back to Mami’s parent’s house for new year, and enjoyed eating and drinking with the family. Hana had a great time playing with her cousin Haruna, they are like twins!!

At Narita

On the way back we stopped in at the temple in Narita to say our new year prayers, and to ask for health and prosperity for the new year. There were literally thousands of people there, as Narita temple is one of the most famous temples in the kanto area.

The lines to get into the shrine at Narita

When we saw the lines of people waiting to get into the main shrine, we decided to say our prayers at a smaller shrine within the grounds nearby. Look at the picture below to see what I mean…………………

At Narita

Then we joined the lines to waft smoke from the special incense burners over ourselves to ask for good health and to protect our bodies for the year to come.

At Narita

On the way back to the car we walked past lots of stalls, and Hana saw a shop selling masks and wouldn’t let me walk past without getting her one!!

I said she could choose one, and I thought she would go for an Anpanman mask, but she got a different one……………
Hanas mask!!

She thought she was so cool sitting in the restaurant with this mask on!!!!

At Narita

Then she decided that Daddy wearing the mask would be even funnier!!!

Anyway, I hope you all have a great 2011!!

All the best,


Hana’s Shichigosan Ceremony

Narita Temple

Hana had her Shichigosan ceremony yesterday at the temple in Narita. We weren’t allowed to take any photos inside the temple, but this one was taken from the outside.

We went into the temple via the steps on the left, and then we were allowed into the special area where they do the ceremonies. Two monks chanted some ancient blessings, whilst we all prayed for a happy and healthy future for Hana. Then Hana had to go to the alter and receive a blessing written on a piece of wood from the main monk.

I have to say I didn’t really know what to expect as I have never been to one of these ceremonies before, but it was really nice. I could feel the good will in the room, and knew that being in such a spiritual place with so many people praying for a good future for Hana had to be a good thing.

Hanas 753 day
There were a few other people having their Shichigosan ceremony as well, and a lot of them were having their pictures taken by this board with the date, place name and occasion written on it.

Afterwards we went to a hotel for a meal, and stayed the night. Mami and her mother got Hana dressed in a little kimono and we took some pictures of her downstairs in the foyer. Lots of people were stopping to have a look at this little girl wearing a beautiful kimono. The funny thing was Hana didn’t mind at all!! She loved the attention, and looked very happy to be wearing it!!

At the shrine

Anyway, here are some photos from the day…………..

Takeo Mieko Hana Mami

Hana in a kimono!!

By the pond

Hana in a kimono again!!

At the hotel

Meiko, Mami and Hana Lou

It is official – Hana loves her Grandad Takeo!! They really hit it off this time.
As soon as Hana saw him she ran to see him, and wouldn’t let go of his hand.

The Takeo touch

They came up with the “Takeo touch”, which is when they press their thumbs together like in the photo on the left. It’s kind of like their secret handshake!!!

Anyway, that’s all for now!!

Hope you are all well,

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween!!
Halloween 2010

I know it’s a bit late, but I have only just got round to putting the photos from our school’s Halloween Costume Competition on the photo gallery page. The results will be announced in a couple of weeks, once everyone has voted.

Hana isn’t a student so she can’t enter the competition, but I do think she looks a bit scary in the picture above!!


Halloween 2010

I think she looks much better without the mask, but I am her Dad so am probably biased!!



Halloween 2010


One of the advantages of having our own school is Hana gets to play with lots of children. She has got her own little crew now and knows which of her homeys are coming on certain days. I think being in her own home gives her the confidence to be a bit of a leader. I just hope she doesn’t get too bossy!!

Ed and Airi


We went up to the shine in Narita recently for my niece Airi’s Ohatsumairi. She is a little poppet, and everyone was surprised when she fell asleep when I held her. What can I say, beer bellies are so comfortable!!!

Hana and Haruna


Hana and Haruna were having a great time running around the shrine’s grounds. Their Grandad Takeo had brought along two massive bags of sweets for them, and they just ran around holding hands eating sweets. They looked very happy!!!


Tea party


A mate of mine was moving house and didn’t want these little tea cups and saucers. He gave them to me and Hana loves them!! She thinks it’s very funny to sit in the living room having a pretend tea party!!!


Hana in the hat

Hey amigo!!!!

This is just a random picture I found in the camera from a while ago. I think she takes after her Granny Wendy in her love for hats and sunglasses – this could be a sign of expensive times to come??

WeddingThis is a photo of us all in our glad rags at a friends wedding.

Will have to get my suit out again for Hana’s upcoming Shichi-go-san ceremony. It’s a big day for children in Japan and marks the entrance into middle childhood. I will upload some photos from that when I get a chance………………..

Anyway, hope you are all well,


Trip to the UK

We just got back from England, and we had a great time!!!
Hana on plane

Last time we went Hana screamed all the way, and so we had very hard journey there and back. However, this time we bought a portable DVD player and she sat there quietly watching it with her headphones on, and it helped her relax and then she slept most of the way there and back.

We thought getting her a portable DVD player was a bit expensive, but anything that can make a journey like this any easier has to be worth it…………….

At Heathrow


Then, when we got to London Heathrow my brother was there to pick us up and drive us up to Cheshire. He had rented a very fancy Range Rover for the journey, so we felt very important leaving the airport like film stars!!!

Auntie Hannah, William and Hana

Of course the first priority was meeting the newest arrival to the family, little baby William. Hana was very interested in seeing someone smaller than her, and I think it made her feel very important to take the role of a kind of big sister.

Hana and WilliamShe was very interested in what little William was doing……………………

Hana and Grandma

And Hana remembered her Granny Wendy after all her trips out to Japan. She also remembered that Granny Wendy has chocolate buttons stashed everywhere, and all she has to do is smile and she will be given a handful of them!!!!


Delamere Forest Walk

One day we decided to go for a walk in Delamere Forest. We had a pub lunch first then went for a bit of a wonder. I presumed everyone else would know the way as they seem to go there regularly, but somehow we ended up getting a bit lost and walking for miles!! Anyway, we made it back in the end……………

Hana in forest

Hana swinging

Hana on a walk


We had a BBQ in the garden one day, and it was great to catch up with a few old mates and have a few beers.

A few people said they might come out to Japan sometime, so it would be cool to see them here. It’s such a long trip for kids though. We are thinking about going to Hawaii next year, maybe we could meet there instead??

Feeding the chickens

At the beach

Beeston Castle

My brother has got a pretty decent camera, and was following Hana around snapping away.I think this picture is brilliant.

Hana by the back door

Ed, Mami and Hana

Hana and Mami

The family!!! We seem to be constantly growing!!

Family photo

Hana sleeping

Hana on tractor

WilliamLook at little William in his shirt and trousers!!! Very smart!!!!

Ed and William
Anyway, now we are back in Japan and have to get back to work. We really enjoyed being in England, but after having two weeks off we want to get back to work and get back into our normal routine.

I would like to say thank you to my family in England for having us, and thanks to my Mum for all the apple crumble, it was lovely!!!

All the best,


The Baby Boom

The baby boom has started!!!

Baby Boom!!That’s right, in the space of a few weeks Hana has got two new cousins!!

Mami and Airi
Airi Ueno arrived first on June 24th weighing in at just over 7 pounds. She is such a beautiful little thing………….

Hana spent most of the time in the hospital running around like a lunatic with her older cousin Haruna.
William one day old
Then Hana’s first British cousin arrived!! William Edward Shaw arrived on July 13th, weighing in at 8 pounds. I haven’t seen him in person yet, but he looks as handsome as his Uncle Edward in this picture!!

Hana and Amber
A few weeks ago we met up with some friends who are in a similar situation to Mami and I. Sean is from Canada and his wife Yuri is Japanese, so their daughter Amber is similar to Hana in that she is growing up in a billingual household.

Hana on the slide
They had a great time playing in the sand pit, and bombing down the slide. After that we all went for a curry, and they were jumping up and down laughing at the chef and his funny hat!!!

Hana smiling
Mami took this picture a few days ago. I have heard a few people say that when Hana smiles, her eyes disappear. It’s so true!! He whole face crinkles up!!!!

Anyway, that’s all for now,

all the best,


Trip to Okinawa

Golden Week 2010
Hanas hair is growing!!
Hana’s hair is finally growing!!! She will not be compared to her balding father any longer!!!

Anyway, we have had a great Golden Week. We flew down to Okinawa for a family holiday, then went up to Ibaraki to see the in-laws and drink some beer.
Hana and friend
Whilst we were checking into the hotel in Okinawa, Hana made her first Chinese friend. Hana can understand English quite well, and some Japanese, but not a word of Chinese!! But they got along very well, and didn’t seem to have any trouble communicating. Most of the time they just ran around laughing and jumping!!!

Hana at aquarium
It rained a bit on the first day, so we decided to head to the world famous Churaumi Aquarium. What can I say; it’s in the top ten things I have seen in my life. Amazing.

It’s in the Guinness Book of Records numerous times over for things like the biggest Whale Sharks in an aquarium, the first Manta Rays to breed in captivity etc. It’s one of those places that you really need to see to believe it.

You can see in this picture below the size of the tanks they have there. It’s always good to see things done properly. Brilliant place.
Whale shark

Icecream in the sea
Hana was at her happiest when she could eat ice creams in the sea. Onlookers thought she was very funny walking around in the water with her face covered in ice cream!!!
Playing in the sea
She made a few friends in the sea as well………………
Power spot
This place is called a “Power Spot” because it is where rituals for priests in the past were done. They believed it was a place that was very spiritual. I suppose it would be a bit like Stonehenge in England. It was a nice place for a walk around, and Hana picked up a small bit of “Power stone” and brought it home, so hopefully that will give us all some power???

Hana and Dad
Okinawa is much greener than Chiba at this time of year because of its location. The parks were lovely.

All in all we had a great trip to Okinawa, but it would have been better if we had had better weather.

Then we headed up to Ibaraki to Mami’s hometown for some eating and drinking with the family.

My father-in-law loves beer, and I found some really nice beer that he had never drunk before and took a big cooler box full of it for him. I thought it would last a couple of days, but we got through all of it except for two bottles on the first day!!! Oooopps!!!

Hana and Haruna had a great time playing with each other. Hana does tend to use more English than Japanese, but they don’t seem to have any trouble communicating.

Chocolate buttons
Oh, and Mum thank you for sending the chocolate buttons over. Hana and I got through the last of them this afternoon. They were very much appreciated!!!

Anyway, that’s all for now,

take care,


The Animals of Sodegaura

Coming from a rural area in England I have always been interested in wildlife. Before I came to Japan, I thought it would be something I would not see much of whilst I was here. The impression I had in my mind when it came to Japan was skyscrapers and industry, so I have been pleasantly surprised by what I can see near my house.

I walk my dog every morning, in a green belt area behind my house, and I have been amazed by the amount of wildlife I have seen. I remember camping in a National Park in New Zealand and being very surprised when a park ranger was telling me how Japan had more woodland than New Zealand and maintained it better. It’s because Japan is an industrial nation and doesn’t need its woodland to be profitable. Lots of countries have cut down vast amounts of forest for the timber, but in Japan the woodland is left alone. The result is that you can see quite a variety of birds of prey.

The bird above is called a “Taka” which means Hawk and I sometimes see them when I walk my dog. Beautiful birds.
This is a “Tombi” which in English is a Japanese Black Kite. They are massive and are in the same family as Eagles and Buzzards. There are loads of them along the coast as they predominantly hunt fish. There is a pair of them that live near my house, and seem to be creatures of habit. They are often in the same trees, hunting in the same areas.

This is a “Hayabusa” which I think is a Sparrow Hawk in English. A few weeks ago I saw a load of birds pecking at the vegetables on my neighbours land. They had somehow got through the net he had put over the vegetables to keep them away. They saw me coming and panicked, and some of the birds escaped, but some got caught in the net. I was amazed to see that one of them was a “Hayabusa.” I was going to get it out, but by the time I had tied my dog up, it had managed to escape on its own. When I told my neighbour he said it has happened before, and when he helped the bird escape it ripped open his hand with its claws. So, I was quite glad that didn’t happen to me!!

A really beautiful bird though……………..

We have owls everywhere!!! When I walk my dog at night I usually always see an owl or two. I am always amazed at how silent they are when they fly. Once when I was at a local vets I saw two owls in an aviary outside, so I asked the vet about them. He said people had brought them to him after they had been injured, and that there were a lot of them in the area.

Someone else told me that it’s because we have a lot of bats in the area, and so the owls are attracted to them. I told Mami about them but she had never really seen any. Then a while ago, I opened the bedroom window and saw a big owl standing on the telephone line in front of our house. So I told her and she was surprised by how big it was.
I haven’t seen one of these yet. It’s called an “Anaguma” and I think it would be called a Japanese Badger in English. I have seen the claw marks it leaves next to its droppings, but haven’t actually seen one in real life. My neighbour told me he has seen the odd one or two, but generally they tend to avoid humans.

One of these ran across the track in front of me a while ago, and I was surprised by how fast they are. It’s called a “Tanuki” and is a Japanese Raccoon. I have seen quite a few at the side of the road after they have been run over. I think they tend to stay deep in the bush, so aren’t easy to spot.
This is the animal I see the most of though. The “Kiji” or Japanese Pheasant, are everywhere. As there is no real hunting, they don’t really have any predators. I did find one dead one once, but have no idea what killed it. It hadn’t died naturally, but had been attacked as the feathers were everywhere. I wondered if one of the bigger Hawks would take it, but my neighbour reckoned it was more likely be a big cat!!
I have seen the odd “Nousagi” or Wild Rabbit. In Japan they don’t live in burrows like in England, but in tunnels in the undergrowth.
Ao daisho

There are so many snakes!! I wouldn’t mind at all if there were none!! I am not too fond of them, but as there are so many I have learnt to distinguish between the safe ones and the dangerous ones.
The one on the left is an” Aodaisho” which is called a Japanese Rat Snake in English, and it’s not poisonous. There are really long, and have beautiful scales.

This one is poisonous though. It’s called a “Mamushi” and is a kind of viper. There aren’t many of them near where I live, but I have heard of people catching them in their vegetable patches. Most people say the best thing to do is where long boots in the summer to avoid getting bitten, but they are so hot. I just hope that my dog Koo would kill it before it got to me!!

Anyway, that’s all for now,

take care,
